Kata Angelina Sumarno tentang Buku "Manners Matter - No Matter What"

3:07 AM

8 April 2020

vivid argarini buku manners matter

This is an important book, not only for parents and millenials, but a great reminder for us all especially at this trying time when most of us are staying home and our fingers sometimes mindlessly posting things on social media. MANNERS MATTER NO MATTER WHAT! What we do and wrote have impact no matter what! A good wake up call for all of us to re-learn again, to mind our manners and only spread positivity with empathy and respect.

Thank you for writing this priceless book my dear @vividfitriargarini thank you for the reminder. A must read for EVERYONE! 

vivid argarini buku manners matter

vivid argarini buku manners matter

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